Fiker Solomon

Fiker Solomon is an Ethiopian artist living and working in Addis Ababa. She graduated from Ale School of Fine Art and Design, Addis Ababa University with a major in Fashion Design in 2014. Since graduating from art school, she has been developing a unique style incorporating exclusively natural materials like jute, cotton, sisal and others into intricately intertwined tapestries. While she stitches, punches and knots the different materials together, she is continuously experimenting with new techniques to manipulate and join the material. 


The artist’s work is inspired by the natural world around and within us. Growing up, many of us revel in the simple joys of the sun, mud, winter, and the entirety of nature. Reflecting on those times now, amidst the chaos of life's complexities, where competition, disappointment, sorrow, and joy coexist, we realize that these emotions are as seasonal as our natural surroundings. Fiker’s work is a reflection on this cyclical nature of our feelings and needs, mirroring the changing seasons. It serves as a means to liberate our minds from the intricacies of life. 


Recognizing our indispensable role and connection to the natural world, working with 100% natural and biodegradable materials is not just an appreciation and paying respect to the latter, but also motivated by the versatility of its inherent properties. This journey began with an observation from her surroundings: Jute sacks – both biodegradable and eco-friendly, absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen even more rapidly than trees and, in Ethiopia, primarily used for coffee export. The jute employed in the artist’s work are those typically deemed useless after it having aged or being torn. 


The creative process of working with textiles holds significant meaning for the artist, as it is a skill she initially learned from her mother who would craft diverse decorative embroideries for the sofa, table, and the children. She later added her personal twist to the rather traditional skill, and conceptually took it beyond the decorative and functional realm. 

    “The act of stitching has become more than a mere skill—it's a way for me to express my thoughts and         communicate my needs through the creative language of threads. Stitching also holds a deeper symbolism for me. It serves as a reminder of unity and togetherness, echoing the shared moments of creation with my mother. Additionally, it connects me to the passage of time, seamlessly bridging the present with the limitless possibilities of the future. The process encapsulates not only the physical act of crafting but also the emotional and symbolic threads that weave through the fabric of my life.” – Fiker Solomon    

Fiker Solomon graduated from Ale School of Fine Arts and Design at Addis Ababa University in 2014 and holds a diploma from Teferi Mekonnen College with a specialization in sculpture. Since 2019 she has participated in several group exhibitions both in Ethiopia and internationally. Among others, she has shown in ‘Woven Sanctuaries’ at Rele Gallery, Los Angeles(2024), ‘African Landscapes - Past and Present’ at Strauss & Co, Cape Town (2024) and ‘Magical Spirits’ at Post Art Gallery, Addis Ababa (2023). In 2023, she completed a residency with Silhouette Projects in Kampala, Uganda.

1995 -
Nationality: Ethiopian
Residence: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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